计算机科学 选修课

As indicated in the HMC catalog, students should select their CS electives in consultation with their CS faculty adviser.

A number of courses in other departments have already been approved as CS electives. These courses can be used in lieu of CS electives for the computer science, 计算机科学/数学, and mathematical and computational biology majors.

学生 who wish to take another non-CS course as a CS elective are welcome to discuss this with their CS adviser and then submit a petition to the department.

Although the department endeavors to provide a balanced selection of electives every year, because student demand and faculty availability may vary from year to year, the department cannot guarantee in advance that students will be able to take any specific elective classes on any particular schedule.


The following is a list of courses in other departments that have been approved to be taken as electives towards the computer science major. This list is not exhaustive and students should discuss other possible elective courses with their faculty advisor.

数学 Courses

工程 Courses
